Web Hosting

We are industry experts in web hosting.

Constant monitoring

No bandwidth limitations

No contracts


Web Hosting Server Plans


Web Hosting

Level Up!

We have resources – CPU, memory, entry processes, I/O – at the ready for when you need them (we’ll alert you when you’re close.) Or you can really stay on top of things through our robust stats dashboard. Either way, leveling up is a one-click affair.

Easy-to-use control panel

Includes industry-standard cPanel to install apps, manage backups and security.

24/7 network security

Get peace of mind, knowing network security and DDoS protection is monitored around the clock.


Frequently Asked Questions

How to choose a Web Hosting company?

Focus on support – Most web hosting companies offer the same plans and prices, but swift, effective, personable, human support is invaluable.

Server location – A local server means low latencies.

Website uptime – Constant website uptime is imperative for anyone running a serious business or website.

Server speeds – The less time you spend waiting on things to load the better. We ensure you make the most of your time by using LiteSpeed caching, Mod Security WAF, Imunify360, and more.

Software & backups – You want solid web hosting management software and automatic backups that don’t count towards your disk space allocation.

Personable – You want a company that can help you scale your project while treating you like a valued friend the entire time.

Flexible – Flexibility in products and contract length means you can tailor what said hosting company has to your needs.

What is disk space on Web Hosting?

Disk space is the storage capacity on your server. It works similarly to the storage capacity of your standard laptop or computer.

What is a subdomain in Web Hosting?

Think of a sub-domain as the child of the main domain. It shares a strong relation and connection but it’s a different website. For example, helpdesk.globalhost.co.za is a subdomain of www.globalhost.co.za.

What does bandwidth mean in Web Hosting?

Bandwidth refers to the amount of data that you can transfer to and receive from your users over time. So, if your website requires many large pages to load for thousands of visitors, you’ll need a larger bandwidth for those things to load at a good speed.

How does Web Hosting work?

Essentially, your website stays on a web server owned by a hosting company. The hosting company will provide you with space on the web server, as well as the tools you need to manage your website, as a service.

What is a domain in Web Hosting?

A domain name is a human-readable word that directs people to a specific IP address. Website addresses are actually long numbers. Instead of remembering the number, we assign a domain name to the number. The same way your name and ID document works.

Still Not Sure Which Server Is Right for You?

Speak to one of our friendly sales staff and we can guide you into choosing the correct solution